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작성일 : 11-01-04 08:51
[제품/정물] 재활용 센터 Jackpot!
 글쓴이 : sixty
조회 : 456  

Pictures are from a fellow German friend, not mine. He hit the Jackpot for vintage keyboards... recycling center in Berlin. Dozens if not hundreds of G80-1000/3000 HAD/HFD/HQD, Model M, Model M2, etc....

Crazy stuff! He only took 1 pallet so far, he says there is about three times this much. I am a bit jealous -____-;

마디 11-01-04 08:57
oh... jackpot! but, pie in the sky. ^^
klklkl 11-01-04 09:22
@_@ 허거덩 ^_^_b
찌니 11-01-04 09:33
Wow... Real jackpot!
Operator 11-01-04 09:49

there are no jackpot for me...
사랑받는택이 11-01-04 09:50
저렇게 많이 쟁여둬서 어디에 쓰시려고...분양 좀 하세욧
푸른소나무 11-01-04 10:07
AF™ 11-01-04 10:07
Jackpot Bravo~~~~~~~~~ Wow!!!!
울버린 11-01-04 10:24
재활용센터가 아니라 보물창고네 ㅜㅜ
요미코 11-01-04 10:34
외국으로 이민을 가야지...
Mr。Son 11-01-04 10:51
완전 던전이네요.. 어딘지 모르겠지만 놀러 한번 가보고 싶네요..
막대기 11-01-04 10:52
Soooooooooo gooooooood!
DJ몽키 11-01-04 11:25
이건 뭐..새해에 좋은꿈 꾸신듯 ;;;; 대박!!
불탄감자 11-01-04 11:40
저런곳에서..살아야 하는건데 말이죠..
userboy 11-01-04 12:18
oh my god!!
aQer 11-01-04 12:37
근데 대부분이 독어배열일것 같아서
뽐뿌는 덜하네요 ㅎㅎ;;
juejoe 11-01-04 12:47
Ujos 11-01-04 12:51
holy shit! a prototype!! is there no sublimation?
靑霞 11-01-04 13:26
얼키 11-01-04 14:25
PiedPiper 11-01-04 14:59
H..Heaven !!!!
스타도리 11-01-04 16:53
I think you are the fellow German friend!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
차차 11-01-04 18:49
Oh...Jesus Christ...;;
impreso 11-01-04 23:39
첫끝발이 개끝발이 아니길 빕니다 ㅎㅎㅎ
rokafcomputingcenter 11-01-05 01:38
워~ 대박이네요
슈슈™ 11-01-05 13:40
lucky guy!!
나야 11-01-06 19:19
허브앤 15-09-21 16:11
헐... 이런... 부러운...


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