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작성일 : 10-12-14 10:20
[제품/정물] Syncan keyboard with calculator/buckling springs
 글쓴이 : webwit
조회 : 456  
Another 5 EUR find, the picture on the auction page was very bad but it looked old. To my surprise it came New In Box and has a built in calculator/clock.

Made by Syncan/Can Technology/Cheng Ya:

Moreover, I haven't seen this type of Cheng Ya buckling spring before.
I think they are the only other company that made buckling springs.

The other type that I've seen can be found here, it isn't rated very well:

However it is slightly different, different spring, slightly different hammer shape and transparent instead of opaque. On the back is the patent number as mentioned by chloe on geekhack for the Cheng Ya as issued in 1993. However, the FCC ID on my keyboard was granted in 1991. Still not as good as the IBM buckling spring, but smooth, clicky action and it works. Feels a bit cheap.

The calculator and clock work, but the LCD display is funky and not working well. When I disconnected the keyboard and put it in the box, the clock went on running for half a minute.

찌니 10-12-14 10:26
Congratulations! You have acquired rare keyboard!
sixty 10-12-14 11:52
It looks cheap enough to fall apart by just looking at it!
힘내라아빠 10-12-14 12:08
찌니 10-12-14 16:43
You are jealous! :)
화이트핸드 10-12-14 18:21
디제이몽키 10-12-14 15:02
이거슨..방수키보드!? 멋지네요 ㅎㅎ
요미코 10-12-14 15:14
버클링 방식과 비슷하네요.
나쁜동화 10-12-14 15:56
방사능 10-12-15 00:10
방수 키보드인가요...헐


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