1. Lasering is the inscription or marking of surfaces by means of a strong laser beam. Laser printing is said to be very durable and can be generated very quickly and individually. By local heating with laser (YAG 1064 nm), conversion reactions are being created at the keycaps which result in a color change. Special plastic material is used so that a targeted color change takes place. It must be pointed out that not every material or color can be laser printed with sufficient quality results. The outcoming color can hardly be influenced (i.e. color of the legend).
2. Tampo printing method is using a special ink which is applied to the keycap via tampo print rubber stem. It will be applied mutiple times and treated with protective UV-coating which provides the most durable life expectancy.
3. Two - shot mold method is the highest quality and produces the most crisp and clear legend. The durability is also the highest and almost impossible to wear off. Cherry does have the capability for two shot molded keycaps, however the process is also the most expensive one.
4. Sublimation method
Sublimation is the process of the immediate transition of a material from a firm into a gaseous physical condition. There is no liquid physical condition when having the exact pressure and temperature conditions in which the sublimation process happens.When lettering keycaps by sublimation, at first the layout in question is printed on a sublimation paper. This sublimation paper is then put on the keycaps. During the sublimation process itself the legends (i.e. the color) enter into the keycap (i.e. the plastics) under specific pressure and temperature conditions.
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