This website is a clone of OTD.KR - it only exists to maintain the historical information that OTD once housed, and to act as a monument to this incredible, passionate community. Nothing presented here is the original work of
1위 3,934 point 가껀
2위 3,832 point 스타도리
3위 3,234 point 찌니
4위 3,047 point 비그림
5위 2,685 point 만년스토커
6위 2,646 point 디프
7위 2,423 point DSPman™
8위 2,304 point 손꾸락관절염™
9위 2,294 point 분유값5원
10위 2,171 point 나쁜동화
(스타도리님도 건강하시죠?..^^)