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작성일 : 11-05-25 11:19
[조립수기] my keyboard~kbc poker~
 글쓴이 : jonthan
조회 : 456  

최근에 작업을 완료

~이 사진 좀 봐

찌니 11-05-25 11:19
헉... 저 투명창 직접 작업하신건가요... 신의 손을 가지고 계십니다 그려!
제로록 11-05-25 11:20
오 이것은.. 방사능님 스타일인디..


사이즈 맞추느라 고생하셨을것 같습니다.
klklkl 11-05-25 11:22
우앙 훌륭하십니다! ^_^_b
jonthan 11-05-25 11:28
내 자신의 글꼴과 패턴을 다시 디자인의 사이드
내가 좋아하는
userboy 11-05-25 11:34
와 멋집니다~~
해피와포커 11-05-25 11:34
헉. 대단하십니다.
vital 11-05-25 11:37
추추 11-05-25 11:37
우왓 멋집니다.
PiNkroid 11-05-25 11:48
꽤 멋집니다 ^.~
cal9 11-05-25 11:48
와 멋집니다!!
힘내라아빠 11-05-25 11:51
왠지 외국분이 번역기 돌려서 올리신듯!
jonthan 11-05-25 11:54
Sorry, no poor Korean Studies,I use google translation
아싸 11-05-25 13:09
As you probably know already, but you can ask other OTD members to translate.
One of the best member to ask is Nova, or in korean 노바님.
Anyways, nice work on your keyboard.
jonthan 11-05-25 14:28
Thank you~
wzz47 11-05-25 12:05
정말 강력한~~~~~~~~~
써니 11-05-25 12:17
멋진데요. 실력이 ㅎㄷㄷ ⓘ
별쏭 11-05-25 12:50
jonthan 11-05-25 13:29
Thank you 아싸 want to get better and better ~ OTD
이누ㄴ 11-05-25 13:41
싱크 11-05-25 13:48
entoutcas 11-05-25 14:36
멋진 작업기에요...^^
에테르 11-05-25 14:45
Nice job!

I think it must be better if you make the reinforcement plate for Pocker-X!!
jonthan 11-05-25 15:57
에테르 11-05-25 22:27
^^ 你是中国 ;-)
jonthan 11-05-25 22:43
是的~来自中国,浙江省 宁波~算半个海滨城市吧~
예그리나 11-05-25 16:03
오 훌륭하십니다
DJ몽키 11-05-25 19:02
우아아아아!!!!!멋집니다 ㅎㅎ
스타도리 11-05-25 19:48
Ah..u are not Korean.
It looks very nice!
jonthan 11-05-25 22:46
Yes, I come from China, we exchange ~ exchange
울버린 11-05-25 20:49
Wow good!

ps)A work is similar to yours.
jonthan 11-05-25 23:00
The next step is going to do with the location in the hollow spaces led, what word did not determine the specific moment, in the end is the KBC or OTD, is also possible that the Chinese flag
jonthan 11-05-25 22:50
Yes but I was cut out by machine, and I specialize in personalized Cap, making it relatively easy to poker, but really difficult to find the Caps
우리별 11-05-25 23:31
이다에요 11-05-26 11:02
QINQIN 11-05-26 14:52
몽작 12-10-17 23:18
how did he do that?


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