This website is a clone of OTD.KR - it only exists to maintain the historical information that OTD once housed, and to act as a monument to this incredible, passionate community. Nothing presented here is the original work of

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저작권 관련 문제가 발생할 수 있는 이미지는 업로드를 삼가하여 주시고, 퍼온 자료는 출처를 반드시 명시하여 주시기 바랍니다.
작성일 : 10-12-31 23:06
[제품/정물] 모델 M RGB
 글쓴이 : 유무
조회 : 456  

네덜란드에서 왔습니다.

webwit님 감사합니다.

어떻게 갚아야 하는지


Klein 10-12-31 23:18
Ujos 10-12-31 23:51
먼곳에서 온 소중한 선물이군요. webwit님도 sixty님과 함께 우리나라에서 벙개 함 했으면 하네요 ㅎㅎ
유무 11-01-01 00:45
좋은 생각입니다.

webwit 11-01-01 03:50
Late Christmas present. Glad it arrived without problems, mail has been very bad here over the holidays. Best wishes for 2011 everyone!
Ujos 11-01-01 19:47
How about visit our country with Sixty? we want see u guys.
webwit 11-01-01 23:09
Here's a picture of us at our latest Keyboard Party. I'm the one on the right. Sixty in the middle.
sixty 11-01-02 02:56
Those guys look really messed up. Awesome hair too.
스타도리 11-01-02 17:11
Awesome!!!! lol
Ujos 11-01-02 21:16
if you want show image reply page, use [ ] tag. like this,

then, u guy so coooooool!
sixty 11-01-03 03:44
thanks for that! I always wanted to know how its possible to link inline images!

PS: webwit.. those guys remind me a lot of the Flodders. They were Dutch too, right? :D
webwit 11-01-03 04:09
These are the new Flodders. Coming soon to a screen near you, unless you are lucky.
rpresto 11-01-03 19:43
Good job~


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