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작성일 : 10-11-28 22:34
[제품/정물] Rojon IBM Beam Spring (1978)
 글쓴이 : webwit
조회 : 456  
This is a Rojon IBM Beam Spring keyboard from 1978. It is my third beam spring keyboard, I also have a 3278 terminal keyboard and an IBM Displaywriter keyboard as seen here:
Rojon is possibly only the maker of the cable (thanks ch_123).

This one is new or almost new, and the rubber mat underneath the keycaps is completely intact. In fact it is so pristine, when I press a key, the keys next to it wobble! This is energy transfered by the rigid rubber mat. It feels and sounds a bit duller than the well used 3278, and has really wobbly caps.

The beam spring is the best switch for a computer keyboard ever made, and probably the most expensive one too. The beam spring is a direct offspring of the IBM Selectric typewriter switches. With the Model F, IBM tried to simulate the beam spring with a much cheaper and simpler design. It is good, but not as good as the beam spring. With the Model M, they tried to simulate the Model F. Same story.

montroyal 10-11-28 23:11
이게 타자기여 키보드여...
기마루 10-11-28 23:16
어떤 느낌인지 한번 타건해보고 싶네요
Quesandco 10-11-28 23:54
진짜 타건함 해보고 싶네여;;;
빨간부엉이 10-11-28 23:57
good!! (영어의 한계가..ㅠ)
차차 10-11-29 00:02
폰트가 돌치 레플리카랑 똑같군요 ㅎ
유무 10-11-29 00:11
아이콘 개조, 한 번 쳐보고 싶음.
화이트핸드 10-11-29 00:33
스피커에서는 타자기 소리를 내는 건가보죠?
디제이몽키 10-11-29 01:00
오..완전 골동품이네요 ~ ㅎㅎ
제로록 10-11-29 01:04
헉 정말 깨끗하네요

일전에 다른 곳에서 사진을 본일은 있는데

이건 거의 새것 같은걸요.
우라늄청축 10-11-29 02:00
No wonder this keyboard looks like typewriter.
but I still can't believe it made in 1978, It's looks like pretty much clean.
webwit 10-11-29 05:51
It would be nice to make it work on a modern computer once. The beam spring has the same actuation force as the Cherry Blue (aprox. 50g), but it makes the Cherry Blue look ridiculously bad in comparison. Combines light touch with silky smooth yet very sharp tactile buckling point.
슈슈™ 10-11-29 13:38
오옹..레플리카 키캡의 원형인가요..
얼키 10-11-29 15:09
진심 쳐보고 싶네요.^^
크로우 10-11-29 23:32
똑깍 똑깍 정말 들어보고 싶다. ^^


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