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작성일 : 10-11-17 03:28
[제품/정물] Unicomp stuff (RGB caps, cases, more)
 글쓴이 : webwit
조회 : 456  
Ordered some stuff from Unicomp. You can't buy these on their website, contact them by phone or e-mail. Or if you like something such as an Industrial case or an RGB key cap set through me, contact me.

RGB sets, printed and blank:

Bunch of IBM Model M Industrial and IBM Model M Industrial M13 cover sets (top and bottom):

Pointing stick and mouse button assembles. Some for the M13 and some for the Endurapro, they are not compatible. To my surprise Chuck from Unicomp threw in some old style pointing sticks, those are the best!

The clicky buttons will go bad first on these keyboards, in fact it is the little metal domes which wear fast. Some replacements plus stickers to fasten them. Not sure about compatibility between types.

Various logos and LED stickers:

나이트테이머 10-11-17 03:30
유니콤프.. 키보드 인것 같네요.. 저도 집에 1대가 있는 ... ^^:
sixty 10-11-17 03:32
The RGB caps came out awesome! Chuck did good work!
webwit 10-11-17 03:39
Yeah the caps look great. The blue ones are quite dark though, so it's harder to see the black print (you don't see it in the picture because of flash).
스타도리 10-11-17 03:54
Is it same as original Cherry RGB?
Anyway, it's awesome.
webwit 10-11-17 04:22
Not the same, I just asked Unicomp for these IBM caps in these colors, and this is what they came up with. They didn't have light blue for the bigger keys any longer, so the choice was restricted.
제이제이 10-11-17 06:30
holy mama... that's a great stuff..
juejoe 10-11-17 08:36
lovely key cap
힘내라아빠 10-11-17 09:06
제로록 10-11-17 09:08
어떻게 개인이 저런걸 구할 수가 있죠 .

정말 볼때마다 대단하군요.

모델M에 대해서는 webwit님이 .. 쵝오!
비독 10-11-17 09:49
큰바위머리 10-11-17 09:51
모델M RGB라 --_--;;
마디 10-11-17 10:36
PC키보드 사이트에 잘 이야기해보면 적당히 맹글어주진 않을까요? ^^;;
비주류 10-11-17 11:06
우라늄청축 10-11-17 11:34
haha... those keys looks like x-mas present.
klklkl 10-11-17 11:36
빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 빨콩 -_- 쩝!쩝!
얼키 10-11-17 12:39
돌쇠4 10-11-17 13:02
개인이 이런걸 구할 수도 있군요..
차차 10-11-17 13:59
그냥 무조건 추천!!! -0-乃
TheBits 10-11-17 15:38
What the..
화이트핸드 10-11-17 16:04
aQer 10-11-17 17:27
유니콤프 DIY 버전인가염 ㅡ.,ㅡㅋㅋ;;
rokafcomputingcenter 10-11-17 20:13
워~ 저런걸 어떻게 구하시는지...
화무 10-11-17 23:39
슷돌님도....영어실력이 유창하시네요...
U are so good at English~~
devilman 10-11-18 00:04
저도 RGB 하나만 있었으면...
Pierce 10-11-19 02:09
항상 신기한 키보드 잘보고 갑니다 ^^


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