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작성일 : 14-03-11 08:20
[제품/정물] Cherry LED covers
 글쓴이 : josh
조회 : 456  

these are my favorite

힘내라아빠 14-03-11 09:02
It's very nice of us! I envy you!
도리 14-03-11 10:05
식섭이 14-03-11 10:15
wow~~~ wonderful~!!!!
하우맨 14-03-11 11:28
Looks very good.
뒷북소년 14-03-11 12:06
wzz47 14-03-11 14:33
josh how~
josh 14-03-12 03:47
혜화 14-03-11 17:18
looks gorgeous!
photekq 14-03-11 22:09
Great photos & keyboards like always Josh! Is the last one your 3116SDU?
josh 14-03-12 03:46
thanks mate
photekq 14-03-12 03:58
I don't suppose you have any more photos of it? I'd love to see more!
josh 14-03-12 10:37
ah not now
my NCRs are in China right now
when I go back to China in June I will take more photos ^^
BTW it's hard to find NCR in UK
photekq 14-03-13 02:18
Sweet! Looking forward to them.

Yeah, NCRs don't really exist in the UK. Luckily I have found a 3077 for myself :D (although it didn't come from the UK)
josh 14-03-14 08:44
good for u^^
in good condition?
photekq 14-03-15 01:06
It's pretty good condition. I think it has a scratch or two.. but nothing too bad :D Only the case, no keycaps. I paid $50 for it so I'm fairly happy :D
josh 14-03-15 03:42
then it's nice!!
언나조합 14-03-11 23:42
wow!! very nice!!
도리 14-03-12 20:34
realy nice!
everlastfunk 14-03-13 21:24

means awesome
josh 14-03-14 08:54
sunshikuino1 14-03-14 13:27
josh how^^
Kazusa丶 14-03-22 16:18
hoangthanh206 14-04-06 18:59
Really love it !
김외길 15-02-04 14:22
awesome ollivetti..


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