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작성일 : 13-08-04 00:44
[제품/정물] some strange vintage black switches...
 글쓴이 : josh
조회 : 456  

got some black switches from G80-0577

some of the black switches have strange color..just like grey but in fact they are not grey switches

zenuty 13-08-04 00:56
Oh Awesome! Jing i have never seen dark gray switches.

Where you got those ?

Appreciate for share information
josh 13-08-04 01:27
I got these from a PCB of G90-0577..I bought it from taobao
but it's not in good condition..only some of the switches are fine..other switches were broken..
개봉축 13-08-04 00:59
흑축인데 색이변한거같다고 하는거같습니다. 회색이아니랍니다~ ㅎㅎ
기린군 13-08-04 01:14
색이 정말 다르네요. 백축처럼 두종류가 있는것일까요? 스위치 뒤에 있는 번호는 뭘까요?
josh 13-08-04 01:25
most of the switches we can see now have some numbers behind the switches..but the numbers are big(as far as I know)..maybe 500 or some thing..but these numbers are more than 10..these numbers can not show the year of production, they only tell you which matrix made this..for example cherry made 1000 matrix for the switches..these three switches are made by number 1,2 and 3 matrix..I'm not sure if I made myself clear..hope you can understand my poor english..
기린군 13-08-04 01:43
Thank you for your kindness. I can understand the meaning of these numbers.
키릴 13-08-04 02:36
특이하네요. 잘 보고 갑니다.
까이엔 13-08-04 10:03
색이 다른데.. 둘다 흑축이라는 거죠?.. ㅎㅎ
알로에 13-08-04 11:31
신기하네요 ㅎㅎ
힘내라아빠 13-08-04 15:49
체리에는 저런축을 만든적이 없는데...
색이 변한건 아닐까요!
츄배룹 13-08-04 16:52
레어템이네여!! 근데... 외국분이신가요??;;
Flukee 13-08-04 19:57
색이 바랜건가요?
josh 13-08-05 00:17
i'm not sure..but I don't think you are right..because I have seen some red switches in orange color..maybe these black switches are made by mistake..
해를쏘다 13-08-05 02:35
정말 레어템이군요!
알렉스 13-10-13 07:19
awesome ..
동그래매 13-10-16 21:23
와 레어템 !!
좋은물건 보고갑니다 꾸벅.


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