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작성일 : 13-04-23 05:40
[제품/정물] My collection
 글쓴이 : ekw808
조회 : 456  

leesof1 13-04-23 07:12
nice collection.

제나누리 13-04-23 07:12
포인트 키캡도 멋지고, rebel도 너무 이쁘네요.
즐겁고 행복한 하루되세요. ^.^
ekw808 13-04-23 07:27
감사합니다, 당신도!
금환식 13-04-23 07:28
인우 13-04-23 07:33
멋진 컬렉션 이네요
PiNkroid 13-04-23 07:52
skull keycap!! +_+ Is it 2~300$ per 1set in usa?

korean is surprised at the price. O_O
zenuty 13-04-23 07:57
Hello ekw808.

iam zenuty !!
Appreciate for trade Red Alert 2.0
im still yet receve lol

wellcom to
Great that you visit Korea Keyboard community.

if you need help anytime pm to me :)
zenuty 13-04-23 07:59
Yesterday im failed my first Click Clack

i hope you receve email form CC
ekw808 13-04-23 08:04
Some of the skull keycaps sell for 200-300, the 3 color one usually, and probably the clear ones, they are pretty hard to find.

Please wait another week zenuty, if they do not show up, let me know! I will try to find you replacement. I didn't get in the CC sale either =(.
zenuty 13-04-23 08:13
Sure, i will be response to you. :)

i have patience find it another cc keycap
im never give up :)
하우맨 13-04-23 08:45
젝리 13-04-23 08:46
So cool..
Årchangelus 13-04-23 08:52
collection very nice
삼만리 13-04-23 08:52
대단한 컬렉션이군요~!
ekw808 13-04-23 09:19
Thank you everyone! You guys have many NICE keyboards here hopefully we can all share ^_^
ekw808 13-04-23 09:20
Easier to type in english or korean? I use google for korean.
cal9 13-04-23 09:31
awesome keyboards
참치29 13-04-23 09:56
스컬이 탐나는군요..ㅎㅎ
Piaget 13-04-23 10:40
저 스컬키캡은.....개당 가격이 만만치 않던데.....이미 품절이고....!!!

PiNkroid 13-04-23 10:57
they're so nice and gorgeous ,but very expensive ㅠ.ㅠ

It's lucky to be unpopular with them in korea.

We more like dolch, dolch replica, rebel 2.0 & 2.1 than skull item
Venom 13-04-23 11:05
You have a lot of CC skulls!

anyway, Welcome to OTD.
티타 13-04-23 11:29
분산이 13-04-23 11:30
wow..toooooooooo manyyyyy Skulllllll!!!!!!!!
I want iwant...:)
tab keycap of Red alert in ur lash pic.
i think small arrow keycap is normall.(as u know, many tabs in red alert set)
Jonathan 13-04-24 23:24
와.. 평소에 영어울렁증이신분이 여기서 4줄이나 ㅎㄷㄷ
ekw808 13-04-23 11:59
If you get lucky with the CC sales, they only cost 18-30 USD for each, but people on Geekhack are not like OTD, they do not believe in NOT FOR PROFIT. Two communities are very different, on GH people go crazy for these skulls and keycaps, but on OTD people have much nicer keyboards ^_^. I also have dolch set, but picture have a 15mb maximum, so I cannot post. If you guys have any questions, send me a message.
소주병 13-04-23 12:40
아...?.역시 레드얼럿 갖고 싶어요...ㅜㅜ
zenuty 13-04-23 12:55
그러고 보니 이분의 레드얼럿은 긱핵께 아니라 옷디 레드얼럿이네..;;

한국 사람도 구하기 힘든걸..
긱핵에서 활동하는분이 옷디 레드얼럿이라니..

나도 구하는데 옷디 레드얼럿..

im jealous for your Red Alert !!!
너머저쿵했쩌 13-04-23 14:16
뒷북소년 13-04-23 17:27
좋은데요 ^^
Wyse 13-04-23 19:07
귀한키캡 많으시네요^^
키릴 13-04-23 20:32
마사미 13-04-23 22:08
구..굿!! *_*
pmh1410 13-04-24 17:18
very nice Skull collection ;)
hitlu 16-04-16 12:14
nice collection
toni 16-07-01 09:46


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