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작성일 : 12-05-27 10:23
[제품/정물] My small keycaps collection
 글쓴이 : reaper
조회 : 456  

Hi, first time posting here on OTD. :)  You guys have a very nice and friendly forum here.  Glad to be a part of it.  Here are some pictures from my humble collection.  You can also see the new and improved replacement Korean flag set that are coming your way soon.

Please enjoy and thank you for looking. :)

Venom 12-05-27 10:34
Hello! Reaper.

Wow it's awesome colletion.
I really want clack factory keycap :D
reaper 12-05-27 10:37
Thank you and yes, some of them are quite rare here. :)
Jonathan 12-05-27 10:46
태극 승화 키캡 오류 수정된거 받았군요 ㅎ
국내로도 곧 오겠네요 ㅎ
Nice collection there!
reaper 12-05-27 10:49
Thank you :) and yup, those are the new Korean flag keycaps and modifiers from SP.
Jonathan 12-05-29 17:16
Yeah, I was saying that the Korean flag keycaps must be coming to Korea soon.
I need to distribute those to the rest who are waiting.. hell of a one-person job. :-(
pepC 12-05-27 10:47
wow ... anything ...
I'll take one .. ㅡ.ㅡ;;
reaper 12-05-27 11:01
Sure, please check your pm :)
onjo 12-05-27 11:06
i want buy your collection. haha ^^
reaper 12-05-27 12:58
I get that a lot. :D
하늘처럼 12-05-27 13:14
I have some keycaps.
I envy you.
reaper 12-05-27 13:59
Thank you. =)
애셋™ 12-05-27 13:17
Nice collection! ^^b
reaper 12-05-27 13:56
Thanks! =)
아둘딸둘™ 12-05-27 13:29
That's a hell of a collection to have!
reaper 12-05-27 13:58
Haha thanks but I'm sure someone out there may have a bigger collection than mine. =P
null 12-05-27 14:05
Hello! wow~ um..hahi~
reaper 12-05-27 14:30
Hi and thanks! =D
wysesaver 12-05-27 14:09
amazing :)
reaper 12-05-27 14:30
Thank you. =)
감자맛 12-05-27 14:57
jool seob mi dang...
아둘딸둘™ 12-05-27 16:11
Translation: I'm waiting on the line (to buy yours).
chenyuan 12-05-27 17:25
안녕하세요!사진중에 해골키보드 게이스 팔습니까?
비벗 12-05-27 19:19
Wow nice collection.
Welcome to OTD.Welcome to Hell.
Enjoy together.
reaper 12-05-28 02:32
Haha, I didn't know this place is called hell. =D Oh and thanks! =)
leesofi 12-05-27 21:11

WTB : Skull with Candy Corn or Just Skull one for MX cherry.
reaper 12-05-28 02:31
Thanks and sorry I only have one but if I find more, I'll let you know. =)
낭만곰팅 12-05-27 22:08
Hey dude, what's up? :)
Nice pics!
reaper 12-05-28 02:32
Thanks! =)
마사미 12-05-28 16:18
호오 신기신기 +_+
reaper 12-05-29 10:23
Thank you. =)
수정해요 12-05-28 18:56
reaper 12-05-29 10:24
Thanks! =)
마니아™ 12-05-29 10:00
오.. 대단하네요 ㅎ
reaper 12-05-29 22:22
Thank you! =D
돌쇠4 12-05-29 10:20
Oh~~ Your keycaps are all well-arranged!!!
What's the horsehead pattern keycap's name?
reaper 12-05-29 10:24
Thank you and that's the Team Liquid logo..
돌쇠4 12-05-29 10:27
Thank you!!
Welcome your first posting!!
닉스군 12-06-03 02:56
와;; 이건 정말 대단하다는 말밖엔 안나오네요 +_+
reaper 12-06-06 23:42
There are still quite a lot that I don't have and thanks! =)
금환식 12-09-10 12:20
헐~이쁜 키캡들 많네요~^^


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